What if one split second sent your life in two completely different directions?

Looking back in your life so far, there's certian time that some sort of decision had to be made, and, for better or worse, it completely changed the course of your existence. From time-to-time, we might think about the paths we have not taken, and how things might have turned out if the choice had been differenlyt. Sometimes just a small action like missing the train could have sucd a great impact in your life.
It begins with Helen who just lost her job as an advertising executive, decides to return home in the middle of the day. The split of the story is at the train platform. If she slip through the sliding doors just before the train pulls out of the station, she would meet James onboard and minutes later, in her flat, she would walk in on her lover - Gerry - in bed with another woman. But if she missed the train and, shortly thereafter, was the victim of an attempted mugging, she wouldn't meet James and failed to make it home in time to discover Gerry's secret. Separted from one against the other, while sharing a lot of the same places, cues, and characters, the two stories proceed in parallel from there.
Gwyneth Paltrow plays double roles as two Helens who are initially the same, but bit by bit become so much different. She had done a terrific job for both of her roles - the shy, insecure woman who stays with Gerry and the independent, smart-looking women who retire her old life and set off on a new career with a new man.
Again, this is one of the movie i've been dying to see for ages. I had to watch this movie recently to complete the assignment. =p Of course, it's a great movie and worth watching. I first recognize this movie from its sound track "Turn back time" perfrom by AQUA , which is one of my all time favorite song. The lyric is definitely suit the story line of this movie.
If only I could turn back time,
If only I had saved what I still had
If only I could turn back time,
I would stay for the night... for the night